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What I got for my birthday!

Hello everyone! Yes,I am still alive - I know a few of you have been wondering where exactly I have been as there has been a lack of anything from me in these parts over the past week or so and well I have been feeling a little poorly,resulting in bed,netflix and ben & jerrys for me (which i'm not complaining about) also as some of you know it was my birthday so I have been out and about busy doing things for that,

Which leads us on nicely for todays post as I am going to show you what I got for my 15th birthday.*include the not bragging disclaimer* Thank you to everyone who gave me money/presents/cards or simply said happy birthday! all of those lovely gestures really did help make my day a lovely one!

I was lucky enough to get these from my best friend Izzy who proved that she knows me well,as I love Rimmel London and two of my favourite colours are red and blue.I can't wait to try these out and I think they will be good choices for spring.

Rimmel London nail varnish - 300 Glaston-berry

Rimmel London - 300 Glaston-berry

Rimmel London Nail varnish - 855 Too cool to tango

I also got this from Izzy.I haven't actually tried any of Seventeen's products before,but they do look really good.I have been trying to expand my makeup collection and go into new brands instead of just constantly getting the same things,so this should hopefully be a good start.I can sense a future review on this product too!

We all knew that some copper would make an apperance because yes,my family are aware of my copper obsession.The only problem is that it's way too pretty to actually use as a saucepan because what if someone burns something in it,my saucepan could get I just noticed I'm being a little overprotective...

My parents got me a giant sausage dog eraser..I think this was to make up for the fact that they didn't get me an actual sausage dog,but an eraser version will do for now!

And the dog and stationary theme continues! I love this notebook so much because a) it has my two favourite dogs on it: Dachshund and pom. B) will help me stay organised c) has lots of cute drawing of pictures and helpful pages like checklists,weekly plans and goals - need I say anymore about this lovely notebook?

Can I just say earphones are possibly the hardest,most unattractive thing to photograpth - even when they are rose gold and look stunning in person! I was so happy to get these as about 3 days before my birthday my well loved headphones broke and so I was really hoping for a new pair.

I haven't seen any of the divergent series films before and they do look really good,so I think this will be a good saturday night film viewing...with my dog..

My parents know that I want to get back into reading so that I'm not spending so much time online and they knew that I loved the shopaholic series,so thought that this might be a good book to start with.I have only read a few pages,but I think I'm going to be hooked on it.

I saved my main present till last.I have been really into getting more healthy recently and I thought that the Nutribullet might be a good way for me to get some fruit and maybe even veg into my diet,so far I have loved it and have been using it every single day.

So that is it,all of my birthday presents.I love every single one of them and feel so incredibly lucky for recieving them,thank you again to everyone who said Happy birthday,gave me a card or a present.

Sophie Jane

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